Four Reasons to Pump Out Your Tank in the Fall

Many things about your daily life may shift as summer ends, and fall begins. The beginning of fall is a great time to consider getting septic tank services, particularly pumped if it has been a while since you last did so. 

The grease and trash that have built up over time are taken out when a septic tank is pumped. When a septic tank can't drain its waste properly, it can overflow. This can cause surface water to become contaminated.

fall septic tank services

Since frozen ground affects pump services in Alabama, having the septic tank pumped at the beginning of the fall is recommended. Find out why fall is the ideal time to pump your septic tanks.

1. Prepare for Hurricane Season

In Alabama, the fall season is peak hurricane season. People with septic tanks have a lot to worry about when it rains more during hurricane season. The normal function of drain fields may need to be adjusted in the event of heavy rainfall. 

When a septic tank can't drain its waste properly, it can overflow. This can cause surface water to become contaminated.

You can damage the tank if you overfill it or allow too much pressure. By hiring a pumping service, professionals will empty your septic tank. This will give the system more room to handle large amounts of rainwater. 

The safety of your pets, kids, and plants is compromised if you have polluted water in your yard.

In most cases, the tank's cleanliness after a pumping service will last at least two hurricane seasons before it requires pumping again.

If a severe storm is approaching, you won't have to worry about your septic tank because it has already been maintained. Do not delay addressing septic tank problems until they worsen.

2. Summer's End Deep Cleaning

Many new substances may enter your septic tank during the summer. Those who frequently visit the beach may notice an increase in the amount of sand and hair that gets flushed away. The accumulation of debris could quickly compromise a septic tank's capacity.

The septic tank could also be the final resting place for summertime food choices. Grilled foods, such as burgers, steak, and hot dogs, can produce grease that solidifies and rises to the top of the septic tank. 

fall septic tank services

The accumulation of fat could eventually clog the exhaust vents. Oil also draws in other wastes that can get stuck in the septic tank's cracks.

Bacteria in a tank won't be able to degrade those substances, so the impact will only grow. Pumping will get you off to a clean start this fall. A thorough inspection of your tank can also show you which things outside of it have had the most considerable effect.

Professionals sometimes use cameras made to go inside tanks to look at what's inside. A plumber can check on the tank anytime by watching the live video and moving the camera as needed. You don't have to dig up the whole yard with a camera to look at the tank.

3. Additional Guests Coming for the Holidays

In the fall, many people open their homes to friends and family. Celebrations of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and football games are just a few examples. There may be occasions when you have guests who stay for multiple nights. The increased number of visitors will increase water and toilet flushing needs.

A septic system may fail if your tank is not regularly emptied. The number of people living in a home directly affects the size of the tank. The septic tank could overflow or be damaged if it is not pumped out before many guests arrive. 

If a clog should happen, the last thing you need to worry about is water coming back up the pipes.

Septic pumping is helpful when you serve and prepare more food than usual for guests. When you have guests over, grease and other debris will inevitably go down the drain, and you'll want to avoid septic problems for as long as possible.

4. Using the Indoor Plumbing System

People may use your indoor plumbing more in the Fall because there are more visitors and people tend to be thirstier. You might be tempted to spend more time indoors as the weather gets colder and storms roll in. When kids are on a regular school schedule, they tend to spend more time at home, which means more opportunities for daily showers.

fall septic tank services

Perhaps you spent some of the summers away from home. You'll put the septic tank to good use once you return to the house. Having your septic tank pumped out before the start of a new season and routine can alleviate a lot of anxiety.

In summary, this article discusses the four reasons to have your septic tank pumped in the fall. The beginning of fall is a great time to have a septic tank pumped because it is the best time to do so. 

The fall is peak hurricane season, and having a septic tank pumped at the beginning of the fall will help prevent it from overflowing during heavy rainfall.

Birmingham Septic Service is a reliable team for all your septic service needs!

Some of the Birmingham septic services we offer include:

  • Septic system installation
  • Septic system maintenance
  • Septic tank repairs
  • Effluent pumping
  • Drain field restoration

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any of these services or other septic tank-related services. We'll be happy to help!

Septic Service Birmingham AL designs, installs, and services your new or existing septic system.

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