Commonly asked Questions on Septic Tank Maintenance and More

Can I have a septic system installed during the winter?

It’s difficult or prohibitive to install a septic tank when the ground is frozen. This isn’t usually a problem for a septic tank in Birmingham AL, and in most cases we can install a septic system year-round.

What type of septic tank construction is the best?

Determining the best kind of septic tank for your application relies on two main factors: the composition of the ground around the home, and the size of the home. Knowing these will help you decide on the best material for your tank and the best type of system for your property. Concrete tanks are long lasting, plastic and fiberglass tanks resist corrosion. Depending on the permeability of the ground, you may be better served by an engineered septic pumping system to properly drain and purify liquid waste. Call us for a hassle-free septic tank services experience.

How much water do I put in the tank to start?

None. It’s a common assumption that septic systems need to be “kickstarted,” but ordinary use will start this process all on its own. If your system includes a pump, the pump may need some starting water to prime it.

I am building a house with a walk-out basement, does this have any impact on the size or placement of my septic system?

Possibly. The size of your system will need to factor in the total square footage of finished space, bedrooms, and washrooms, including any in the basement.

How long does a septic tank last?

A septic tank will last an average of 20 to 30 years, but can range from 14 to 40 years, depending on:

Material: Concrete, commercial grade fiberglass, or plastic will have an impact on your tank’s lifespan.

Septic Tank Maintenance: Get your tank regularly inspected, and have it pumped out every 3 to 5 years.

Vehicle traffic: Avoid driving over the leach field as much as possible. Prolonged exposure to the stress and pressure of vehicles on the leach field compresses it and may cause it to fail.

Soil composition: The permeability and depth of your soil you will have an impact on how long your septic tank lasts. Contact us for a custom quote and soil test for your septic service in Birmingham AL.

I have a gravity flow septic system; should I be worried about tree roots growing into the drainage area?

This partly depends on size and species of trees growing near your drainage lines. Some tree species have root systems that will intertwine with your lines and clog them. In most cases these lines are deep enough that they avoid this hazard. Grass, weeds, and shrubs are rarely able to put out roots strong or deep enough to interfere with your system.

I have heard that the leach field needs to breathe. Is it OK to have grass over top of it?

Yes, it’s important that your leach field is able to breathe, but grass will not hinder this. In fact, nice green grass over your field means it's working the way it should. Take care not to plant woody shrubs or trees over the leach field.

At what point in the installation process do I need to call an inspector?

Always call the inspector before you start the install to make sure they can accommodate your job. Call the inspector back after the system has been installed, but before it has been covered up with soil.

I am not happy with the current placement of my septic system. Can I dig up and reuse the tanks in a new location, or do I need to purchase a new system?

Your first call should be to the septic system inspector or your local public health department to find out if this is permitted. You will need to get a new permit for the new area and design that you want to install. From planning and permitting through to septic inspection in Birmingham AL, contact us!

Is my septic system covered by homeowner’s insurance?

Provided you have been practicing proper care and maintenance, most homeowner’s insurance policies cover sudden and unexpected damage to septic tanks. However, they usually do not cover damage caused by a lack of maintenance. Make sure you’re pumping and cleaning it regularly.

Can a homeowner install their own septic system?

Not entirely, but there are several things you can do to help. These include preparing the landscaping, digging the holes, and purchasing the gravel. Improper installation can lead to waste contaminants in nearby water sources, so the project needs to be completed by a professional. Call us for your custom quote. We’ll also help you figure out what you can do yourself!

Septic Service Birmingham AL designs, installs, and services your new or existing septic system.

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