17 Signs That You Need To Get Your Septic Tank Pumped In Birmingham

In Birmingham, people must be aware of the warning signs that their septic tanks need septic tank pumping. If your home does have a septic tank system, you should know this information. 

The following is a list of different warning signs that should alert residents of Birmingham that it may be time to clean out their septic tanks:

1.  A foul odor is coming from your drains or yard

septic tank cleaning Birmingham - 17 Signs That You Need To Get Your Septic Tank Cleaned In Birmingham - a septic tank showing dirty sludge

This is one of the more common indications that your septic tank needs to be cleaned. If you smell a foul stench from your drains or yard, it is time to call a Birmingham septic tank cleaning business. 

2.  More than two people are living in your home

If there are more people living in your home, your septic tank will need to be cleaned more often to avoid any problems.

3.  The drains in your home are backing up

If you discover that your home's drains are backing up, this is another symptom that your septic tank needs to be cleaned. This is due to the possibility that the septic tank is full and needs to be drained

4.  A Lush and Healthy Lawn

Your yard will be one of the first to show signs of a septic tank problem. It is time to clean your septic tank if your lawn appears healthy and green.

5.  Your water usage has changed been a change in your water usage

If you are using more water than usual, it is a good idea to clean your septic tank.

6.  You are having problems with your drains

If you have issues with your drains that are clogged or slow, this could indicate that your septic tank needs cleaning.

7.  Your drains are slow or clogged

Slow or stopped drains are another sign that your septic tank needs to be cleaned. Slow or clogged drains are often caused by a buildup of waste in the septic tank and can be a serious problem. 

8.  Your septic tank is full

septic tank cleaning Birmingham - 17 Signs That You Need To Get Your Septic Tank Cleaned In Birmingham - a septic tank specialist cleaning a septic tank with water sprayed from hose

If your septic tank is full, then this is a sign that it needs to be cleaned. You should empty septic tanks every 3-5 years, so if it has been longer than 5 years, then it is time to call a septic tank cleaning company in Birmingham.

9.  Sewer Backup 

If you have a backup sewer, then this is a sign that your septic tank needs pumping. Blockages in the septic tank cause sewers to back up and can be a serious problem.

10. Gurgling Water

If you notice that your water is gurgling, then this is another sign. Gas buildup in the septic tank causes gurgling water and can be a severe problem.

11. Flushing Issues

If you're experiencing trouble flushing your toilet, your septic tank may need pumping. Flushing problems are due to the buildup of waste in the septic tank and can be dangerous.

12. Your toilets are backing up

A build-up of waste in the septic tank causes flushing problems and can become a major issue.

13. You have standing water in your yard

Standing water in your yard is a symptom that your septic tank needs pumping and is complete. It's crucial to contact a Birmingham septic tank cleaning company right away if there is any standing water because it might serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. 

14. Your yard is soggy

If you notice that your yard is soggy or wet, then this is a sign that your septic tank is not draining correctly and needs pumping.

15. You notice water pooling in your yard

Your septic tank is leaking and may need repairs if you notice water gathering in your yard.

16. You have had septic tank problems in the past

If you have had septic tank problems in the past, it is a good idea to get the septic tank pumped regularly.

17. You haven't cleaned your septic tank in more than 3 years.

Call a Birming septic tank cleaning business if it has been more than three years since your last septic tank cleaning.

The Value of Septic Tank Emptying and Maintenance

septic tank cleaning Birmingham - 17 Signs That You Need To Get Your Septic Tank Cleaned In Birmingham - a septic tank pumping truck with a green tank on its bed

Septic tank emptying and maintenance are essential because they help prevent serious problems. Generally, septic tanks need pumping every 3-5 years and cleaning every 5 years. If you have a septic tank, it is crucial to call a septic tank pumping company in Birmingham to have it emptied and cleaned regularly.


If you have any of the above signs, it is time to clean your septic tank in Birmingham. Regular septic tank pumping will save you money in the long run and keep your home or business running smoothly.

Contact Birmingham Septic Service!

Need septic tank pumping in Birmingham? Birmingham Septic Tank Service is the only company you need. Our company serves both residential and commercial sectors.

Our specialists will clean, pump, repair, and install septic tanks. To schedule a consultation, contact us right now.

Septic Service Birmingham AL designs, installs, and services your new or existing septic system.

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